Confession : Sunny Dog's Blog
Looking for treats
My Favorite Storez
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by Sunny Cuddy on 11/17/12

Generally speaking (and I am sure all of you who have met me would certainly agree with me) I am a good dog. I greet folks who come into the showroom, I graciously accept each treat that all the parts delivery people bring in to me, I rarely bark unless someone is playing ball with me and I usually tend to just sit quietly at the feet of guests while they give my butt a rub. However, my sneaky side reared it's head just recently. Really though, it wasn't my fault at all and the circumstances were just too much to resist! I had to be BAD! 

As you might know, we had our 4th Annual Food Drive recently. There were bags and bags of food laying around the showroom floor. As each donation was dropped off I helped Mom sort and weigh the food. You can tell from my most recent photo that I  really enjoyed putting my head in each bag to see if perhaps someone had dropped a treat in there for me. It was so much fun that I wasn't even disappointed each time I came up empty pawed. Anyway, one day I was just sniffin around the bags and lo and behold, I smelled something delicious! I made sure Mom and Les were busy with the new Clifford display and quietly located the source of the tasty smell. It was a "Cup O'Soup" that had popped open from some mysterious pressure. I figured the "Cup O'Soup" couldn't be donated now so I did another quick check to make sure no one was looking and I started to help myself to a bit of the dehydrated goods. Unfortunately I think I was making some snuffling sounds of joy because I was soon discovered and shooed away from the delectable dish. 

So to Team Evo I apologize. I snarfed up a few ounces that could have gone towards the food drive. Sometimes though I just have to be bad! Anyway, congratulations Team Evo and remember, come by soon and give my butt a rub. I just loves butt rubs! 

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