Sunny Dog's Blog
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Sunny Dog's Blog

Call me dish water blonde...not old

by Sunny Cuddy on 01/03/13

Well it's a new year and to start things off, I thought I would provide some clarity to a couple of oft asked questions that I overhear at the shop. As some of you may know, Dad has been bringing me to work with him pretty much since day one. Since then, five days a week, it has been my job to greet our customers by sniffing around their feet and wagging my tail. For those folks who like dogs I always turn around and offer my butt for scratching. I don't usually play fetch or tug of war with people I don't know so if you toss the shop ball in my presence, odds are I will just ignore it. It's not personal, I just save play time for Mom and Dad. For those who are not so into dogs (I can always tell who you are) I merely make my presence known and try not to get underfoot. While trying to maintain a certain level of friendliness without being a nuisance, I often overhear people asking two questions over and over about me; "what kind of dog is HE" and "is HE really old?" 

First things first. I am a female. I know I hang out in kind of the equivalent of a man cave, but what can I say. I go where Dad goes and anymore, I tend to enjoy sliding around on the shop floor chasing balls and ripping up the bubble wrap that new product is shipped in. The smell of oil and exhaust has kind of grown on me too. So that being said, the next question is what kind of dog am I. I am a pure bred Border Terrier. I often am mistaken for a "Benji" because I despise being groomed. Grooming requires something called stripping of my hair. Sounds fun huh. It's not and I have reached an understanding with Mom and Dad. Brush me out now and again and strip me on occasion so that my hair does not become totally matted and take over my cute face but other than that, leave my hair alone. I like having a full coat. Like the song goes:

"Let if fly in the breeze and get caught in the trees
Give it a home to the fleas, in my hair
A home for fleas, a hive for the buzzing bees
A nest for birds, there ain't no words
For the beauty, splendor, the wonder of my hair" -- Hair

This brings me to the final question, am I old? No, I am not old, especially by small dog standards. Border Terriers naturally have gray in their hair. Seriously, I am not being vain. Generally speaking, when we are pups, we tend to have mostly dark black hair. As we get older and as our hair is groomed, brown and gray can be more visibly seen. As I like to fly my long beautiful hair, more of my gray shows than if I were clipped or stripped. 

So there you have it, I am female, I am a very sweet and smart Border Terrier who is finicky about having her hair stripped and I am at my prime. Thanks for asking and feel free to ask me anything else or just stop by and give me a quick butt rub. I loves my butt rubs! 


by Sunny Cuddy on 11/17/12

Generally speaking (and I am sure all of you who have met me would certainly agree with me) I am a good dog. I greet folks who come into the showroom, I graciously accept each treat that all the parts delivery people bring in to me, I rarely bark unless someone is playing ball with me and I usually tend to just sit quietly at the feet of guests while they give my butt a rub. However, my sneaky side reared it's head just recently. Really though, it wasn't my fault at all and the circumstances were just too much to resist! I had to be BAD! 

As you might know, we had our 4th Annual Food Drive recently. There were bags and bags of food laying around the showroom floor. As each donation was dropped off I helped Mom sort and weigh the food. You can tell from my most recent photo that I  really enjoyed putting my head in each bag to see if perhaps someone had dropped a treat in there for me. It was so much fun that I wasn't even disappointed each time I came up empty pawed. Anyway, one day I was just sniffin around the bags and lo and behold, I smelled something delicious! I made sure Mom and Les were busy with the new Clifford display and quietly located the source of the tasty smell. It was a "Cup O'Soup" that had popped open from some mysterious pressure. I figured the "Cup O'Soup" couldn't be donated now so I did another quick check to make sure no one was looking and I started to help myself to a bit of the dehydrated goods. Unfortunately I think I was making some snuffling sounds of joy because I was soon discovered and shooed away from the delectable dish. 

So to Team Evo I apologize. I snarfed up a few ounces that could have gone towards the food drive. Sometimes though I just have to be bad! Anyway, congratulations Team Evo and remember, come by soon and give my butt a rub. I just loves butt rubs! 

Happy Halloween

by Sunny Cuddy on 10/31/12

Well it's that time of year again. Time for ghouls, goblins and gore. I thought all my faithful followers might enjoy a picture of me in my graveyard. I refused to smile because of the goofy bandanna my folks made me wear. We usually have dozens of carved pumpkins but we have been so busy at the shop that we only had time to do a few this year. Busy is good though. 

Unfortunately everyone is kinda sickly this week. Lots of sneezing and coughing going on. Dad's cold is kicking his butt so bad he kind of looks like a zombie today. Hmmmm. I hope it's not contagious to dogs!

When you come by the shop remember to bring a donation for our food drive. I have been enjoying nosing around the bags of food to see if there is any good dog chow in there but alas, nothing good for me. You can also make a cash donation. Mom doesn't know this but I pull out the cash when she is not looking and roll around in it. 

I think Les is cooking something on the grill out back so I am going to go sit patiently at his feet giving him my "sad eyes" look until he takes pity on me and gives me a bite. Chow for now and remember when you come in, please stop and give my butt a rub. I love's me some butt rubs. 

Summer time, summer time!

by Sunny Cuddy on 07/26/12

Well they don't call me Sunny for nothing. I love love love the sun and sunbathing out behind the shop. So be careful if you stop by to say "hi" because I might be laying out on the ramp to the shop. 

I wait until i'm panting hot, then I go lay down on the cool floor of the shop, then I go back in the sun. It's great! You should try it with me. 

Remember if you have furry friends that they need lots of fresh water when it's hot out. 

So as always you need to come rub my butt and see all the new cool stuff here. I heard Dad say we have some new guy, I think his name is Ken Wood. 


I'm Back!!!

by Sunny Cuddy on 05/02/12

Hello my followers!

So I have been away for a bit, but i'm back! So if you haven't seen me you must come in to the shop and rub my butt.

So much going on here it's crazy. I just watched a beautiful Mercedes pull out of the shop lowered on Her coil overs... that might be H & R, i'm still learning to read lol. It was slammed!

Yesterday Dad tinted a bunch of cars as usual. I hope he cleans the car today, their is hair everywhere in that thing. I suppose some of it might be mine, but probably not.

Ok, come see me. If you ask Dad I will show you a trick for a treat!

Sunny girl

Welcome to December

by Sunny Cuddy on 12/03/11

Wow this year has flown by. Seems like just yesterday I was wondering where my summer was, now I just want it to snow! I love this time of year, their are so many pretty lights and shiny stuff hanging all over. I love the smell of cocoa and Christmas trees!

I would just like to put it out their that I like dog biscuits, bacon, chew toys, bacon, and stuffed animals. Just in case you wanted to bring the coolest dog in town a little something.

Well thats all for now

Sunny girl

Christmas is coming!

by Sunny Cuddy on 11/19/11

So it seems I can only focus every six months or so to write my blog. I have been so busy running around the shop and looking for that elusive red dot that is sometimes on the wall. And of course greeting all of you and getting a butt rub here and there.

So you might have heard that Christmas is coming! I love jumping in the snow and chasing snow balls. I wonder what is going to be under the Christmas tree for me this year? I want a stuffed animal, some bacon flavor treats and a steak!

Hope you all get what you want this year!

Happy Holidays,

Sunny girl.

Where did my blog go!?

by Sunny Cuddy on 06/24/11

Boy spill water on your keyboard once and "poof" everythings gone! Well it's been a while since I blogged anyway.

So the sun keeps teasing me and trying to come out. Is it summer yet or what? I really like to sunbath on the back ramp to the shop. I wait until im panting hot and then go lay in the shade for a bit. Then it's right back to the sun! I guess that's why they call me Sunny.

Just a reminder to all my fans. Make sure when you come by the shop to pet my belly or rub my butt and my smile will make you smile too.

Sunny girl

Happy New Year!

by Sunny Cuddy on 01/01/11

Wow 2010 is gone. We sure had a great year. We brought in Arc Audio and became a Python distributor. We built alot of custom cars like the Thunder Truck, and helped support many shows like the West Coast Subaru Show and Sittin Pretti's Summer Slam. We also brought in 1774lbs of food donations for Volunteers of America.

2011 is going to be great! I can't wait to see all the cool projects the guys will be working on. I hear they have some very special cars coming out. I know they are planning some BBQ's, now if I can just get more people to drop some burger for me I would be very happy.

I hope we go to the track more this year. I heard Dad say we will be at more autocross and drag events.

See you all here at the shop,

Sunny girl.

Where's my snow?

by Sunny Cuddy on 11/21/10

So it's been a while since I was here. I have been busy practically running the shop. Making sure customers are happy and the guys are working.

So anyway, where is my snow? I love the snow. I want to run around in it and jump in piles of snow. Dad can throw snowballs that I can find and dig for. I love playing in the snow. I can run and run and run and you can see where you were. The snow sticks to my nose and makes it very cold. I love it though!

What do you like to do in the snow?

Sunny girl.

I'm a model

by Sunny Cuddy on 08/26/10

So I am officially a model for VTR. I posed in front of a very nice Nissan GTR R35. I was going for a pouty, vague, looking off in the distance face that said "i'm bored". I think i nailed it. Tell me what you think.

~ Sunny girl

Staring blankly at the wall

by Sunny Cuddy on 07/26/10

I have heard some of you asking Dad (Wayne) why I sit and stare at the wall from time to time. I bet you haven't seen it, but there is this really cool bright red dot that appears on the wall sometimes. I love to chase it around! It is so mysterious and I never know when it is coming back. So I sit and wait. If I concentrate reeeaallly hard, I can make it come back. Then I bark and jump and laugh while I try to catch it. You wouldn't believe how much fun this can be. I'm not sure what I would do if I did catch it though. Oh well, I guess I will find out when that happens.

So if you see me staring at the wall, maybe you could join me and help me find the red dot!

~ Sunny girl

Rub my butt!

by Sunny Cuddy on 06/22/10

You know, their is nothing better than a good butt rub. I get to meet the nicest people, and as soon as I do. I turn around and let them rub my butt. Everyone seems to want to rub my butt. As busy as the guys are here, they still take time to give me a little butt rub now and then. That's one of many reasons I love coming to work with Dad! Oh and on Tuesday's and Thursday's Lisa comes in and I take her for a walk. She really seems to like our walks almost as much as I do!

So if your in the area, you should come rub my butt.

Sunny girl.

Busy busy

by Sunny Cuddy on 05/24/10

The guys have been so busy at the shop they haven't hardly had time to play. I keep picking things up and running over to one of the guys and they just look at me and smile. I think maybe they just don't get that play time is very important. I like to pick up the blue sprayway bottle caps and jump around in a circle with it. At least we had a lot of nice people come by lately. I like to meet all of you, especially when you rub my butt!


New shop!

by Sunny Cuddy on 05/13/10

So i was following Dad around all day yesterday as he was getting the new shop ready. I guess the guys have been so busy they are expanding into the shop next door. That will add a whole lot of play space for me! It can hold alot of cars. It looks like they are going to make a nice woodshop over there also. I can't wait to see the cool projects that come out of there.

So Wil brought in his two dogs yesterday. They were fun to play with, oh and Lisa has been coming in to take me on walks. I love seeing Lisa she is so much fun. Going for walks is the best.

Well I have to go check on the boys and make sure they are working.


Business Hours

Tues.-Fri. 9:00 to 6:00
Saturday 10:00 to 6:00

Contact Information

(425) 267-9797
406 SE Everett Mall Way
Ste. 102A
Everett, WA 98208