Happy New Year!
by Sunny Cuddy on 01/01/11
Wow 2010 is gone. We sure had a great year. We brought in Arc Audio and became a Python distributor. We built alot of custom cars like the Thunder Truck, and helped support many shows like the West Coast Subaru Show and Sittin Pretti's Summer Slam. We also brought in 1774lbs of food donations for Volunteers of America.
2011 is going to be great! I can't wait to see all the cool projects the guys will be working on. I hear they have some very special cars coming out. I know they are planning some BBQ's, now if I can just get more people to drop some burger for me I would be very happy.
I hope we go to the track more this year. I heard Dad say we will be at more autocross and drag events.
See you all here at the shop,
Sunny girl.